The dates listed are those for GMT. All information was obtained from public sources. If anyone can fill in the question marks or provide corrections which is public knowledge please let me know. Many thanks go to Jonathon McDowell for his corrections to this list. Square brackets indicate a non-military payload. UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (from 1986) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-18 9 Feb 86 Atlas 6004H PARCAE 8 * 18 Apr 86 Titan 34D-9 HEXAGON 20 (KH-9), Ferret 19 5 Sep 86 Delta 180 (3920) VECTOR SUM (DM43?, plume observation, stage intercept) - 14 Nov 86 Scout S199C Polar Bear (P87-1) 20 5 Dec 86 Atlas 5047G (AC-66) FLTSATCOM-F7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 12 Feb 87 Titan 34B-66 QUASAR 7 (SDS 7) * 26 Mar 87 Atlas 5046G (AC-67) FLTSATCOM-F6 22-25 15 May 87 Atlas 6005H PARCAE 9 26 20 Jun 87 Atlas 59E DMSP-5D2 F8 (S-9, 19543) - 16 Sep 87 Scout S204C Transit 21 & 22 (Oscar 27 & 29, SOOS-2) 27 26 Oct 87 Titan 34D-15 CRYSTAL 8 (KH-11/8 Block II-3, KENNAN) 28 29 Nov 87 Titan 34D-8/TS DSP-5R/F13 (Block 2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 3 Feb 88 Atlas 54E DMSP-5D2 F9 (S-8, 20542) 30 8 Feb 88 Delta 181 (3920) TVE (Thrust Vector Experiment) - 26 Apr 88 Scout S211C Transit 23 & 24 (Oscar 23 & 32, SOOS-3) - 16 Jun 88 Scout S213C NOVA-2 - 25 Aug 88 Scout S214C Transit 25 & 26 (Oscar 25 & 31, SOOS-4) 31* 2 Sep 88 Titan 34D-3/TS VORTEX 5 32 5 Sep 88 Titan 23G-1 SBR-WASS 1 33 6 Nov 88 Titan 34D-14 CRYSTAL 9 (KH-11/9 Block II-4, KENNAN) 34 2 Dec 88 Atlantis (STS-27) LACROSSE 1 (ONYX 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 14 Feb 89 Delta 184 (6925) GPS II-1 (SVN 14, NAVSTAR 13) 36 24 Mar 89 Delta 183 (3920) Delta Star (plume observations) 37 10 May 89 Titan 34D-16/TS VORTEX 6 38 10 Jun 89 Delta 185 (6925) GPS II-2 (SVN 13, NAVSTAR 14) 39 15 Jun 89 Titan 402/IUS K-1 DSP-1/F14 (Block 14) 40,41 8 Aug 89 Columbia (STS-28) QUASAR 8 (SDS-2 1 HEO), Ferret? 42 18 Aug 89 Delta 186 (6925) GPS II-3 (SVN 16, NAVSTAR 15) 43,44 4 Sep 89 Titan 34D-2/TS DSCS II-F16, DSCS III A-2 (F4) 45 6 Sep 89 Titan 23G-2 SBR-WASS 2 46 25 Sep 89 Atlas 5048G (AC-68) FLTSATCOM-F8 47 21 Oct 89 Delta 188 (6925) GPS II-4 (SVN 19, NAVSTAR 16) 48 23 Nov 89 Discovery (STS-33) ORION 2/IUS-5 (MAGNUM 2, Mission 7606) 49 11 Dec 89 Delta 190 (6925) GPS II-5 (SVN 17, NAVSTAR 17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - No USA number assigned * Launch failure DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program DSCS Defence Satellite Communication System DSP Defence Support Program ELINT Electronic Intelligence Gathering Satellite FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications IUS Inertial Upper Stage LACROSSE Radar Reconnaissance ORION CIA GEO signals intelligence satellite NOVA Advance Navy Navigation Satellite NTS Navigation Technology Satellite PARCAE Navy Ocean Surveillance System (NOSS) SBR-WASS Space Based Radar Wide Area Surveillance System (US Air Force) SOOS Stacked Oscar on Scout SDS HEO Satellite Data System High Earth Orbit SVN Space Vehicle Number Transit Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS) TS Transtage VORTEX USAF/NSA near GEO electronic and signals intelligence satellite UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (1990-1992) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 9 Jan 90 Columbia (STS-32) SYNCOM IV-5 50 24 Jan 90 Delta 191 (6925) GPS II-6 (SVN 18, NAVSTAR 18) 51,52 14 Feb 90 Delta 192 (6925) LACE, RME (Relay Mirror Experiment) 53 28 Feb 90 Atlantis (STS-36) MISTY 1 (AFP-731) 54 26 Mar 90 Delta 193 (6925) GPS II-7 (SVN 20, NAVSTAR 19) 55 5 Apr 90 Pegasus M1 GLOMR-2/SECS, [PEGSAT (Pegasus Satellite)] 56-58 11 Apr 90 Atlas 28E/Altair POGS/SSR, TEX, SCE (P87-2 Stacksat) - 9 May 90 Scout S212C MACSAT 1 and 2 59-62 8 Jun 90 Titan 405 K-4 SB-WASS 1 - 25 Jul 90 Atlas I (AC-69) CRRES 63 2 Aug 90 Delta 197 (6925) GPS II-8 (SVN 21, NAVSTAR 20) 64 1 Oct 90 Delta 199 (6925) GPS II-9 (SVN 15, NAVSTAR 21) 65 13 Nov 90 Titan 402/IUS K-6 DSP-1/F15 (Defense Support Program) 67 15 Nov 90 Atlantis (STS-38) QUASAR 9 (SDS-2 2 GEO), Prowler (AFP-658) 66 26 Nov 90 Delta 201 (7925) GPS IIA-1 (SVN 23, NAVSTAR 22) 68 1 Dec 90 Atlas 61E DMSP-5D2 F10 (S-10, 21544) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 8 Mar 91 Titan 403 K-3 LACROSSE 2 (ONYX 2) 70 28 Apr 91 Discovery (STS-39) MPEC, IBSS-SPAS-2, CRO-A, CRO-B, CRO-C - 29 Jun 91 Scout S216C REX (Radiation Experiment Satellite) 71 4 Jul 91 Delta 206 (7925) GPS IIA-2 (SVN 24, NAVSTAR 23), LOSAT-X - 17 Jul 91 Pegasus/HAPS M2 MICROSAT 1 to 7 (small comms sats) 72/4/6/7 7 Nov 91 Titan 403 K-8 SB-WASS 2 75 24 Nov 91 Atlantis (STS-44) DSP-1 F16/IUS-14 73 28 Nov 91 Atlas 53E DMSP-5D2 F11 (S-12, 22546) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 11 Feb 92 Atlas II (AC-101) IABS-01/DSCS III B-14 (F5) 79 23 Feb 92 Delta 207 (7925) GPS IIA-3 (SVN 25, NAVSTAR 24) 80 10 Apr 92 Delta 208 (7925) GPS IIA-4 (SVN 28, NAVSTAR 25) 81 25 Apr 92 Titan 23G-3 SBR-WASS 3 82 2 Jul 92 Atlas II (AC-103) IABS-02/DSCS III B-12 (F6) 83 7 Jul 92 Delta 211 (7925) GPS IIA-5 (SVN 26, NAVSTAR 26) 84 9 Sep 92 Delta 214 (7925) GPS IIA-6 (SVN 27, NAVSTAR 27) - 21 Nov 92 Scout S210C MSTI-1 85 22 Nov 92 Delta 216 (7925) GPS IIA-7 (SVN 32, NAVSTAR 28) 86 28 Nov 92 Titan 404/TPA K-3 KH-11/10 Block III-1 (Improved CRYSTAL 1) 89 2 Dec 92 Discovery (STS-53) QUASAR 10 (SDS-2 3 HEO, DOD-1) 87 18 Dec 92 Delta 217 (7925) GPS IIA-8 (SVN 29, NAVSTAR 29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFP Air Force Project CRO Chemical Release Observation CRRES Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite CRYSTAL Electro-Optical Imaging Satellite DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program DSCS Defence Satellite Communication System DSP Defense Support Program GLOMR Global Low Orbit Message Relay GPS Global Positioning System HAPS Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion Subsystem IABS Integral Apogee Boost Stage IBSS Infrared Background Signature Survey IUS Inertial Upper Stage LACE Low Power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment LACROSSE Radar Reconnaissance LOSAT-X Low Altitude Satellite Experiment MACSAT Multiple Access Communications Satellite MPEC Multipurpose Experiment Canister MSTI Miniature Seeker Technology Integration POGS Polar Orbiting Geomagnetic Survey SBR-WASS Space Based Radar Wide Area Surveillance System (US Air Force) SB-WASS Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System (US Navy) SCE Selective Communications Experiment SDS HEO Satellite Data System High Earth Orbit SECS Small Experimental Communication Satellite SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite SSR Solid State Recorder SVN Space Vehicle Number SYNCOM Hughes Communications Satellite (Leasat) TEX Transceiver Experiment TPA Titan Payload Adaptor UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (1993-1995) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 3 Feb 93 Delta 218 (7925) GPS IIA-9 (SVN 22, NAVSTAR 30) * 25 Mar 93 Atlas I (5054,AC-74) UHF F/O-F1 90 29 Mar 93 Delta 219 (7925) GPS IIA-10 (SVN 31, NAVSTAR 31), SEDS-1 - 25 Apr 93 Pegasus M4 ALEXIS (P89-1B) 91 13 May 93 Delta 220 (7925) GPS IIA-11 (SVN 37, NAVSTAR 32) - 25 Jun 93 Scout S217C RADCAL (Radar Calibration Satellite) 92 26 Jun 93 Delta 221 (7925) GPS IIA-12 (SVN 39, NAVSTAR 33), PMG 93 19 Jul 93 Atlas II (AC-104) IABS-03/DSCS III B-9 (F7) * 2 Aug 93 Titan 403 K-11 SB-WASS 3 94 30 Aug 93 Delta 222 (7925) GPS IIA-13 (SVN 35, NAVSTAR 34) 95 3 Sep 93 Atlas I (AC-75) UHF F/O-F2 96 26 Oct 93 Delta 223 (7925) GPS IIA-14 (SVN 34, NAVSTAR 35) 97 28 Nov 93 Atlas II (AC-106) IABS-04/DSCS III B-10 (F8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 25 Jan 94 Titan 23G-4 DSPSE (Clementine), ISAS 99 7 Feb 94 Titan 401/TC-12 K-10 MILSTAR I F1 (DFS 1) 100 10 Mar 94 Delta 226 (7925) GPS IIA-15 (SVN 36, NAVSTAR 36), SEDS-2 101/2 13 Mar 94 Taurus 1110 T1 STEP M0/TAOS (P90-5), DARPASAT 103 3 May 94 Titan 401/TC-10 K-7 TRUMPET 1 - 9 May 94 Scout S218C MSTI-2 - 19 May 94 Pegasus/HAPS M5 STEP M2/SIDEX (P91-2) 104 24 Jun 94 Atlas I (AC-76) UHF F/O-F3 * 27 Jun 94 Pegasus XL M6 STEP M1 (P90-1) - 3 Aug 94 Pegasus M7 APEX (P90-6) 105 27 Aug 94 Titan 401/TC-11 K-9 MERCURY 1 106 29 Aug 94 Atlas 20E DMSP-5D2 F12 (S-11, 23545) 107 22 Dec 94 Titan 402/IUS K-14 DSP-1/F17 (Defense Support Program) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 29 Jan 95 Atlas II (AC-112) UHF F/O-F4 109 24 Mar 95 Atlas 45E DMSP-5D2 F13 (S-13, 24547) 110 14 May 95 Titan 401/TC-17 K-23 MENTOR 1 (ORION 3, Mission 7607) 111 31 May 95 Atlas II (AC-116) UHF F/O-F5 * 22 Jun 95 Pegasus XL M9 STEP M3 (P92-2) 112 10 Jul 95 Titan 401/TC-8 K-19 TRUMPET 2 113 31 Jul 95 Atlas IIA (AC-118) IABS-05/DSCS III B-7 (F9) 114 22 Oct 95 Atlas II (AC-119) UHF F/O-F6 115 6 Nov 95 Titan 401/TC-13 K-21 MILSTAR I F2 (DFS 2) 116 5 Dec 95 Titan 404/TPA K-15 KH-11/11 Block III-2 (Improved CRYSTAL 2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure - No USA number assigned ALEXIS Array of Low-Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors APEX Advanced Photovoltaic and Electronics Experiment BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organisation CRYSTAL Electro-Optical Imaging Satellite DARPASAT Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Satellite DFS Development Flight Satellite DSCS Defence Satellite Communication System DSP Defence Support Program DSPSE Deep Space Program Science Experiment DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program GPS Global Positioning System HAPS Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion Subsystem IABS Integral Apogee Boost Stage ISAS Interstage Adaptor Satellite IUS Inertial Upper Stage MENTOR Geostationary Signals Intelligence Satellite (Advanced ORION) MERCURY USAF/NSA near GEO electronic and signals intelligence satellite MSTI Miniature Seeker Technology Integration PMG Plasma Motor Generator SB-WASS Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System (US Navy) SEDS Small Expendable-tether Deployer System SIDEX Signal Indentification Experiment STEP Space Technology Experiments Program SVN Space Vehicle Number TAOS Technology for Autonomous Operations Survivability TPA Titan Payload Adaptor TRUMPET USAF/NSA Molniya orbit electronic and signals intelligence satellite UHF F/O Ultra High Frequency Follow On UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (1996-1998) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 9 Mar 96 Pegasus XL M10 REX-II (P94-2) 117 28 Mar 96 Delta 234 (7925) GPS IIA-16 (SVN 33, NAVSTAR 37) - 24 Apr 96 Delta 235 (7920-10) MSX (Midcourse Space Experiment) 118 24 Apr 96 Titan 401/TC-15 K-16 MERCURY 2 119-24 12 May 96 Titan 403 K-22 SB-WASS 4, TiPS - 17 May 96 Pegasus M11 MSTI-3 125 3 Jul 96 Titan 404 K-2 QUASAR 11 (SDS-2 4 HEO) 126 16 Jul 96 Delta 237 (7925A) GPS IIA-17 (SVN 40, NAVSTAR 38) 127 25 Jul 96 Atlas II (AC-125) UHF F/O-F7 128 12 Sep 96 Delta 238 (7925A) GPS IIA-18 (SVN 30, NAVSTAR 39) 129 20 Dec 96 Titan 403 K-13 NROL 2 (KH-11/12 Block III-3, Improved CRYSTAL 3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 17 Jan 97 Delta 241 (7925) GPS IIR-1 (SVN 42, NAVSTAR 42) 130 23 Feb 97 Titan 4B-24/IUS-4 DSP-1/F18 (Defense Support Program) 131 4 Apr 97 Titan 23G-6 DMSP-5D2 F14 (S-14, 25548?) 132 23 Jul 97 Delta 245 (7925) GPS IIR-2 (SVN 43, NAVSTAR 43) - 29 Aug 97 Pegasus XL M17 FORTE - 22 Oct 97 Pegasus XL M18 STEP M4 (P95-1) 133 24 Oct 97 Titan 4A-18 NROL 3 (LACROSSE 3, ONYX 3) 135 25 Oct 97 Atlas IIA (AC-131) IABS-06/DSCS III B-13 (F10), Falcon Gold 134 6 Nov 97 Delta 249 (7925) GPS IIA-19 (SVN 38, NAVSTAR 44) 136 8 Nov 97 Titan 4A-17/TC-16 NROL 4 (TRUMPET 3/IPA 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137 29 Jan 98 Atlas IIA (AC-109) NROL 5 (QUASAR 12, SDS-3 1 HEO, CAPRICORN) - 10 Feb 98 Taurus 2210 T2 GFO, [Orbcomm G1,G2 (FM3/4), Celestis 03 Ad Astra] 138 16 Mar 98 Atlas II (AC-132) UHF F/O-F8 (GBS F8) 139 9 May 98 Titan 4B-25/TC-18 NROL 6 (MENTOR 2, ORION 4, Mission 7608) * 12 Aug 98 Titan 4A-20/TC-9 NROL 7? (MERCURY 3) 141 3 Oct 98 Taurus 1110 T3 NROL 8 (STEX, ATEX) 140 20 Oct 98 Atlas IIA (AC-130) UHF F/O-F9 (GBS F9) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure - No USA number assigned ATEX Advanced Tether Experiment COBRA BRASS Infrared Early Warning Satellite Technology Development DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program DSP Defence Support Program DSCS Defence Satellite Communication System FORTE Fast On-orbit Recording of Transient Events GFO Geosat Follow-On GPS Global Positioning System IABS Integral Apogee Boost Stage IPA Interim Polar Adjunct IUS Inertial Upper Stage MENTOR Geostationary Signals Intelligence Satellite (Advanced ORION) MERCURY USAF/NSA near GEO electronic and signals intelligence satellite NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch QUASAR Third Generation Satellite Data System REX Radiation Experiment Satellite SB-WASS Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System (US Navy) SDS HEO Satellite Data System High Earth Orbit STEP Space Test Experiment Platform STEX Space Technology Experiment SVN Space Vehicle Number TiPS Tether Physics and Survivability TRUMPET USAF/NSA Molniya orbit electronic and signals intelligence satellite UHF F/O Ultra High Frequency Follow-On UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (1999-2001) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 23 Feb 99 Delta 267 (7920) ARGOS (P91-1), [ØRSTED, SUNSAT] *142 9 Apr 99 Titan 4B-27/IUS-21 DSP-1/F19 (Defense Support Program) *143 30 Apr 99 Titan 4B-32/TC-14 MILSTAR II F1 (DFS 3) 144 22 May 99 Titan 4B-12 NROL 9 (MISTY 2) 145 7 Oct 99 Delta 275 (7925) GPS IIR-3 (SVN 46, NAVSTAR 46) 146 23 Nov 99 Atlas IIA (AC-136) UHF F/O-F10 147 12 Dec 99 Titan 23G-8 DMSP-5D3 F15 (S-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148 21 Jan 00 Atlas IIA (AC-138) IABS-07/DSCS III B-8 (F11, MLV-8) - 27 Jan 00 Minotaur 1 F1 JAWSAT (P98-1), OCS, OPAL, FalconSat, ASUSAT, DARPA Picosat 21/23 (MEMS 1/2), STENSAT, MASAT (JAK), Thelma (Thunder), Louise (Lightning), (OSP SLV-1) - 12 Mar 00 Taurus 1110 T5 MTI (P97-3) 149 8 May 00 Titan 4B-29/IUS-22 DSP-1/F20 (Defense Support Program) 150 11 May 00 Delta 278 (7925) GPS IIR-4 (SVN 51, NAVSTAR 47) - 7 Jun 00 Pegasus XL M29 TSX-5 (P95-2) 151 16 Jul 00 Delta 279 (7925) GPS IIR-5 (SVN 44, NAVSTAR 48) - 19 Jul 00 Minotaur 1 F2 MightySat II.1 (Sindri, P99-1), Picosat 7/8, (OSP SLV-2) 152 17 Aug 00 Titan 4B-28 NROL 11 (LACROSSE 4, ONYX 4) 153 20 Oct 00 Atlas IIA (AC-140) IABS-08/DSCS III B-11 (F12, MLV-9) 154 10 Nov 00 Delta 281 (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-6 (SVN 41, NAVSTAR 49) 155 6 Dec 00 Atlas IIAS (AC-157) NROL 10 (QUASAR 13, SDS-3 2 GEO, MLV-11 URSA MAJOR) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 30 Jan 01 Delta 283 (7925) GPS IIR-7 (SVN 54, NAVSTAR 50) 157 27 Feb 01 Titan 4B-41/TC-22 Milstar II F2 (DFS 4) 158 18 May 01 Delta 285 (7925-9.5) NROL 17 (GeoLITE) 159 6 Aug 01 Titan 4B-31/IUS-16 DSP-1/F21 (Defense Support Program) 160 8 Sep 01 Atlas IIAS (AC-160) NROL 13 (INTRUDER 1, NOSS-3 1A/1B, MLV-10) - 30 Sep 01 Athena I (LM-001) Kodiak Star (PICOsat (P97-1), PCSat, Sapphire (Squirt 1), [STARSHINE 3]) 161 5 Oct 01 Titan 4B-34 NROL 14 (KH-11/13 Block III-4, Improved CRYSTAL 4) 162 11 Oct 01 Atlas IIAS (AC-162) NROL 12 (QUASAR 14, SDS-3 3 GEO, MLV-12, AQUILA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure - No USA number assigned ARGOS Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite ASUSAT Arizona State University Satellite DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program DSCS Defence Satellite Communication System GeoLITE Geosynchronous Lightweight Technology Experiment GPS Global Positioning System IABS Integral Apogee Boost Stage JAWSAT Joint Air Force Academy/Weber State Satellite MASAT Miniature Amateur Satellite MEMS Micro Electro-mechanical Systems MLV Medium Launch Vehicle MTI Multi-Spectral Thermal Imager NOSS Naval Ocean Surveillance System NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch OCS Optical Calibration Sphere OPAL Orbiting Picosat Automatic Launcher OSP SLV Orbital Suborbital Programme Small Launch Vehicle ØRSTED Danish Scientific Microsatellite PCSat Prototype Communications Satellite QUASAR Third Generation Satellite Data System SDS GEO Satellite Data System Geosynchronous Orbit STENSAT Stenhouse Satellite STARSHINE Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite SUNSAT Stellenbosch University Satellite SVN Space Vehicle Number TSX Tri-Service Experiment UHF F/O Ultra High Frequency Follow-On UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2002-2005) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 164 16 Jan 02 Titan 4B-38/TC-19 Milstar II F3 (DFS 5) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165 6 Jan 03 Titan 23G-4 Coriolis (P98-2) 166 29 Jan 03 Delta 295 (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-8 (SVN 56, NAVSTAR 51), XSS-10 167 11 Mar 03 Delta 296 IVM IABS-09/DSCS III A-3 (F13) 168 31 Mar 03 Delta 297 (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-9 (SVN 45, NAVSTAR 52) 169 8 Apr 03 Titan 4B-35/TC-23 Milstar II F4 (DFS 6) 170 29 Aug 03 Delta 301 IVM IABS-7/DSCS III B-6 171 9 Sep 03 Titan 4B-36/TC-20 NROL 19 (MENTOR 3, ORION 5, Mission 8301) 172 18 Oct 03 Titan 23G-9 DMSP-5D3 F16 (S-20) 173 2 Dec 03 Atlas IIAS (AC-164) NROL 18 (INTRUDER 2, NOSS-3 2A/2B, MLV-14 Libra) 174 18 Dec 03 Atlas IIIB (AC-203) UFO F-11 175 21 Dec 03 Delta 302 (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-10 (SVN 47, NAVSTAR 53) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 176 14 Feb 04 Titan 4B-39/IUS-10 DSP-22, [IMEX (UNEX-02)] 177 20 Mar 04 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-11 (SVN 59, NAVSTAR 54) 178 23 Jun 04 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-12 (SVN 60, NAVSTAR 55) 179 31 Aug 04 Atlas IIAS (AC-167) NROL 1 (QUASAR 15, SDS-3 4 HEO, NEMESIS) 180 6 Nov 04 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIR-13 (SVN 61, NAVSTAR 56) +181 21 Dec 04 Delta IVH (4050H) DemoSat (HLVOLSDP), 3CSat 1 (Sparkie), 3CSat 2 (Ralphie) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181 3 Feb 05 Atlas IIIB (AC-206) NROL 23 (INTRUDER 3, NOSS-3 3A/3B, MLV-15) - 11 Apr 05 Minotaur 1 F3 XSS-11 182 30 Apr 05 Titan 4B-30 NROL 16 (LACROSSE 5, ONYX 5) 185 23 Sep 05 Minotaur 1 F4 Streak (STP R1) 183 26 Sep 05 Delta II (7925) GPS IIRM-1 (IIR-14M, SVN 53, NAVSTAR 57) 186 19 Oct 05 Titan 4B-26 NROL 20 (KH-11/14 Block III-5, Improved CRYSTAL 5) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Partial failure - No USA number assigned DFS Development Flight Satellite DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program DSCS Defence Satellite Communication System DSP Defence Support Program EIS 8X Enhanced Imaging System GPS Global Positioning System HLVOLSDP Heavy Lift Vehicle Operational Launch Service Demonstration Payload IABS Integral Apogee Boost Stage IMEX Inner Magnetosphere Explorer LACROSSE Radar Reconnaisance MENTOR Geostationary Signals Intelligence Satellite (Advanced ORION) MLV Medium Launch Vehicle NOSS Navy Ocean Surveillance System NROL National Reconnaisance Office Launch QUASAR Third Generation Satellite Data System SDS HEO Satellite Data System High Earth Orbit SVN Space Vehicle Number UFO Ultra High Frequency Follow-On UNEX University-Class Explorer XSS Experimental Satellite System UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2006-2008) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - 24 Mar 06 Falcon I F1 FalconSat 2 187-89 21 Jun 06 Delta II (7925-9.5) MITEX A, MITEX B, MITEX Vehicle 184 28 Jun 06 Delta IVM+(4,2) NROL 22 (TRUMPET F/O 1/SBIRS-HEO 1/IPA 2?/[TWINS A]) 190 25 Sep 06 Delta II (7925) GPS IIRM-2 (IIR-15M, SVN 52, NAVSTAR 58) 191 4 Nov 06 Delta IVM DMSP-5D3 F17 192 17 Nov 06 Delta II (7925) GPS IIRM-3 (IIR-16M, SVN 58, NAVSTAR 59) 193 14 Dec 06 Delta II (7920-10) NROL 21 (Radar Reconnaisance Test?) - 16 Dec 06 Minotaur 1 F6 TacSat 2 (Roadrunner, JWS D1, SPACETECH-06 Compass), [GeneSat 1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 9 Mar 07 Atlas V401 (AV-013) STPSat 1, Orbital Express (NEXTSat-CSC, ASTRO), CFESat, Falconsat 3, MidSTAR 1, MEPSI 4A, MEPSI 4B * - 21 Mar 07 Falcon I F2 DemoSat - 24 Apr 07 Minotaur 1 F7 NFIRE (OSP SLV-3) +194 15 Jun 07 Atlas V401 (AV-009) NROL 30R (INTRUDER 4, NOSS-3 4A/4B) 195 11 Oct 07 Atlas V421 (AV-011) WGS SV-1 196 17 Oct 07 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIRM-4 (IIR-17M, SVN 55, NAVSTAR 60) 197 11 Nov 07 Delta 329 IVH/4050H DSP-23 198 10 Dec 07 Atlas V401 (AV-015) NROL 24 (QUASAR 16, SDS-3 5 HEO, SCORPIUS) 199 20 Dec 07 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIRM-5 (IIR-18M, SVN 57, NAVSTAR 61) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 13 Mar 08 Atlas V411 (AV-006) NROL 28 (TRUMPET F/O 2/SBIRS-HEO 2/IPA 3?/[TWINS B]) 201 15 Mar 08 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIRM-6 (IIR-19M, SVN 48, NAVSTAR 62) - 16 Apr 08 Pegasus XL M39 C/NOFS (P00-3, CINDI) * - 3 Aug 08 Falcon I F3 Trailblazer (Jumpstart, ORS), [PRESat, NanoSail-D, Celestis 07 Explorers] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure + Partial Failure - No USA number assigned ASTRO Autonomous Space Transporter and Robotic Orbiter CFESat Cibola Flight Experiment Satellite C/NOFS Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program DSP Defence Support Program GPS Global Positioning System IPA Interim Polar Adjunct JWS-D Joint Warfighting Space Demonstrator MEPSI Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Based Picosat Inspector MITEX Micro Satellite Technology Experiment NEXTSat-CSC Next Generation Satellite and Commodities Spacecraft NFIRE Near-Field Infrared Experiment NOSS Naval Ocean Surveillance System NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch ORS Operationally Responsive Space OSP SLV Orbital Suborbital Programme Small Launch Vehicle PRESat PharmaSat Risk Evaluation Satellite SBIRS-HEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor High Earth Orbit SDS HEO Satellite Data System High Earth Orbit STPSat Space Test Program Satellite SVN Space Vehicle Number TRUMPET Signals Intelligence Highly Elliptical Orbit Satellite TWINS Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers WGS Wideband Global Satcom (Wideband Gapfiller Satellite) UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2009-2011) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202 19 Jan 09 Delta 337 IVH NROL 26 (MENTOR 4, ORION 6, Mission 8302) 203 24 Mar 09 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIRM-7 (IIR-20M, SVN 49, NAVSTAR 63) 204 4 Apr 09 Atlas V421 (AV-016) WGS SV-2 205 5 May 09 Delta II (7920-10C) STSS-ATRR (Block 2010 Risk Reduction) - 19 May 09 Minotaur 1 F8 TacSat 3 (JWS-D2), [PharmaSat 1, CP-6, HawkSat 1, Aerocube 3] 206 17 Aug 09 Delta II (7925-9.5) GPS IIRM-8 (IIR-21M, SVN 50, NAVSTAR 64) 207 8 Sep 09 Atlas V401 (AV-018) NEMESIS 1 (PAN, P360) 208-9 25 Sep 09 Delta II (7920-10C) STSS Demo (STSS 1, STSS 2, Block 2006) 210 18 Oct 09 Atlas V401 (AV-017) DMSP-5D3 F18 211 6 Dec 09 Delta 346 IVM+(5,4) WGS SV-3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 212 22 Apr 10 Atlas V501 (AV-012) OTV 1 (X-37B-1 F1) 213 28 May 10 Delta 349 IVM+(4,2) GPS IIF-01 (SVN 62, NAVSTAR 65, Polaris) 214 14 Aug 10 Atlas V531 (AV-019) AEHF SV-1 215 21 Sep 10 Atlas V501 (AV-025) NROL 41 (TOPAZ 1, FIA-R1) 216 26 Sep 10 Minotaur 4 F1 SBSS 1 (SBSS Block 10) 217- 20 Nov 10 Minotaur 4/HAPS F1 STP S-26 (STPSat 2, RAX, O/OREOS, 222,228 Fastsat-HSV, Nanosail-D2, FalconSat 5, Sara-Lily (FASTRAC 1), Emma (FASTRAC 2), S26 Ballast A, S26 Ballast B]) 223 21 Nov 10 Delta 351 IVH NROL 32 (MENTOR 5, ORION 7, Mission 8303) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224 20 Jan 11 Delta 352 IVH NROL 49 (Enhanced CRYSTAL KH-11/15 Block IV-1) 225 6 Feb 11 Minotaur 1 F9 NROL 66 (RPP, Rapid Pathfinder Program) 226 5 Mar 11 Atlas V501 (AV-026) OTV 2 (X-37B-2 F1) 227 11 Mar 11 Delta 353 IVM+(4,2) NROL 27 (QUASAR 17, SDS 3-6 GEO, GRYPHON) 229 15 Apr 11 Atlas V411 (AV-027) NROL 34 (INTRUDER 5, NOSS-3 5A/5B) 230 7 May 11 Atlas V401 (AV-022) SBIRS-GEO 1 (SV 1) 231 30 Jun 11 Minotaur 1 F10 ORS 1 232 16 Jul 11 Delta 355 IVM+(4,2) GPS IIF-02 (SVN 63, NAVSTAR 66, Sirius) - 27 Sep 11 Minotaur 4+ F1 TacSat 4 (JWS 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AEHF Advanced Extreme High Frequency Satellite ATRR Advanced Technology Risk Reduction DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program FASTRAC Formation Autonomy Spacecraft with Thrust, Relnav, Attitude and Crosslink FASTSAT Fast, Affordable, Science and Technology Satellite FIA-R Future Imagery Architecture Radar GPS Global Positioning System HAPS Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion System JWS-D Joint Warfighting Space Demonstrator KH Key Hole MUOS Mobile User Objective System NEMESIS Foreign Satellite Signals Intelligence NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch O/OREOS Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses ORION CIA GEO signals intelligence satellite ORS Operationally Responsive Space OTV Orbital Test Vehicle PAN Palladium At Night RAX Radio Aurora Explorer SBIRS-GEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor Geosynchronus Earth Orbit SBSS Space Based Surveillance System SDS GEO Satellite Data System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit STP Space Test Program STSS Space Tracking and Surveillance System SVN Space Vehicle Number UFO Ultra High Frequency Follow On WGS Wideband Global Satcom (Wideband Gapfiller Satellite) UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2012-2013) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233 20 Jan 12 Delta 358 IVM+(5,4) WGS SV-4 - 24 Feb 12 Atlas V551 (AV-030) MUOS 1 234 3 Apr 12 Delta 359 IVM+(5,2) NROL 25 (TOPAZ 2, FIA-R2) 235 4 May 12 Atlas V531 (AV-031) AEHF SV-2 236 20 Jun 12 Atlas V401 (AV-023) NROL 38 (QUASAR 18, SDS 3-7 GEO) 237 29 Jun 12 Delta 360 IVHU NROL 15 (Heavy ORION 1, ORION 8, MENTOR 6, Mission 8304) 238 13 Sep 12 Atlas V401 (AV-033) NROL 36 (INTRUDER 6, NOSS-3 6A/6B), OUTSat (Aeneas, SMDC-ONE 1.1 (Able)/1.2 (Baker), STARE A (Re), AeroCube 4/4A/4B), ELaNa VI (CSSWE, CINEMA 1, CXBN, CP-5) 239 4 Oct 12 Delta 361 IVM+(4,2) GPS IIF-03 (SVN 65, NAVSTAR 67, Arcturus) 240 11 Dec 12 Atlas V501 (AV-034) OTV 3 (X-37B-1 F2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 241 19 Mar 13 Atlas V401 (AV-037) SBIRS-GEO 2 (SV 2) 242 15 May 13 Atlas V401 (AV-039) GPS IIF-04 (SVN 66, NAVSTAR 68, Vega) 243 24 May 13 Delta 362 IVM+(5,4) WGS SV-5 - 19 Jul 13 Atlas V551 (AV-040) MUOS 2 244 8 Aug 13 Delta 363 IVM+(5,4) WGS SV-6 245 28 Aug 13 Delta 364 IVH NROL 65 (Enhanced CRYSTAL, KH-11/16 Block IV-2) 246 18 Sep 13 Atlas V531 (AV-041) AEHF SV-3 - 20 Nov 13 Minotaur 1 F11 STPSat 3 (TCTE), ORS 3, ELaNa IV (TJ3Sat, DragonSat, COPPER (SLU 01), ChargerSat 1, SwampSat, Ho'oponopono 2, KySat 2, CAPE 2, Trailblazer (SPA 1), Vermont Lunar CubeSat, PhoneSat 2.4), NPS-SCAT, Black Night 1, Firefly, Horus (STARE B), SENSE A/B, ORSES, ORS Tech 1/2, Prometheus 1A/1B/2A/2B/3A/3B/4A/4B 247 6 Dec 13 Atlas V501 (AV-042) NROL 39 (TOPAZ 3, FIA-R3), ELaNa II (FIREBIRD A/B, CUNYSAT 1, M-Cubed/COVE 2, IPEX (CP-8)), GEMSat (ALICE, SMDC-ONE 2.3/2.4 (Charlie, David), AeroCube 5A/5B, SNaP 1, TacSat 6) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AEHF Advanced Extreme High Frequency Satellite ALICE Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Integrated Miniaturized Electrostatic Analyzer (iMESA) Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) Experiment CAPE Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment CINEMA Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, Magnetic Fields COPPER Close Orbiting Propellant Plume and Elemental Recognition COVE Cubesat On-board Processing Validation Experiment CP California Polytechnic CRYSTAL Electro-Optical Imaging Satellite CSSWE Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment CUNYSAT City University of New York Satellite CXBN Cosmic X-ray Background Nanosat ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite FIA-R Future Imagery Architecture Radar FIREBIRD Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range and Dynamics GEMSat Government Experimental Multi-Satellite GPS Global Positioning System IPEX Intelligent Payload Experiment M-Cubed Michigan Multipurpose Mini-satellite MUOS Mobile User Objective System NOSS Naval Ocean Surveillance System NPS-SCAT Naval Postgraduate School Solar Cell Array Tester NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch ORION CIA GEO signals intelligence satellite ORS Operationally Responsive Space ORSES ORS Enabler Satellite OTV Orbital Test Vehicle OUTSat Operationally Unique Technique Satellite QUASAR Third Generation Satellite Data System SBIRS-GEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor Geosynchronus Earth Orbit SDS GEO Satellite Data System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit SENSE Space Environmental Nanosat Experiment SLU Saint Louis University SMDC-ONE Space and Missile Defense Center Operational Nanosatellite Experiment SNaP SMDC Nanosatellite Program SPA Space Plug-and-Play Architecture STARE Space-Based Telescopes for Actionable Refinement of Ephemeris STPSat Space Test Program Satellite SVN Space Vehicle Number TacSat Tactical Satellite TCTE Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) Calibration Transfer Experiment TJ3SAT Thomas Jefferson CubeSat TOPAZ Radar Reconnaisance Satellite WGS Wideband Global Satcom (Wideband Gapfiller Satellite) UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2014-2015) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248 20 Feb 14 Delta 365 IVM+(4,2) GPS IIF-05 (IIF-m, SVN 64, NAVSTAR 69, Canopus) 249 3 Apr 14 Atlas V401 AV-044 DMSP-5D3 F19 (S-19) 250 10 Apr 14 Atlas V541 AV-045 NROL 67 (SHARP 1?) 251 17 May 14 Delta 366 IVM+(4,2) GPS IIF-06 (IIF-n, SVN 67, NAVSTAR 70, Rigel) 252 22 May 14 Atlas V401 AV-046 NROL 33 (QUASAR 19, SDS-3 8 GEO, DRAKE) 253-5 28 Jul 14 Delta 368 IV+(4,2) AFSPC 4 (GSSAP 1/2), ANGELS 256 2 Aug 14 Atlas V401 AV-048 GPS IIF-07 (LV 3, SVN 68, NAVSTAR 71, Capella) 257 17 Sep 14 Atlas V401 AV-049 NEMESIS 2 (CLIO) 258 29 Oct 14 Atlas V401 AV-050 GPS IIF-08 (SVN 69, NAVSTAR 72, Spica) 259 13 Dec 14 Atlas V541 AV-051 NROL 35 (TRUMPET F/O-2 1, SBIRS-HEO 3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 21 Jan 15 Atlas V551 (AV-052) MUOS 3 (SV-4) 260 25 Mar 15 Delta 371 IVM+(4,2) GPS IIF-09 (SVN 71, NAVSTAR 73, Deneb) 261 20 May 15 Atlas V501 (AV-054) AFSPC 5 (OTV 4, X-37B-2 F2), ULTRASat (ELaNa XI (LightSail A), AeroCube 8A/8B (IMPACT A/B), BRICSat-P (ParkinsonSat-B, PSAT-B, Oscar 83), ParkinsonSat-A (PSAT-A), USS Langley, GEARRS 2, OptiCube 1/2/3) 262 15 Jul 15 Atlas V401 (AV-055) GPS IIF-10 (SVN 72, NAVSTAR 74, Antares) 263 24 Jul 15 Delta 372 IVM+(5,4)U WGS SV-7 - 2 Sep 15 Atlas V551 (AV-056) MUOS 4 (SV-5) 264 8 Oct 15 Atlas V401 (AV-058) NROL 55 (INTRUDER 7, NOSS-3 7A/7B, Auryon), GRACE (AeroCube 5C, AeroCube 7A (OCSD A), SNaP 3 (ALICE/EDDIE/JIMI), PropCube 1/3 (Flora/Merryweather), SINOD-D 1/3, ELaNa XII (AO 85 (Fox 1A), ARC 1, BisonSat, LMRSTSat)) 265 31 Oct 15 Atlas V401 (AV-060) GPS IIF-11 (SVN 73, NAVSTAR 75, Altair) * - 4 Nov 15 SPARK F1 ORS 4 (EDSN 1..8, ELaNa VII (Argus (SLU 2),PrintSat), HiakaSat (HawaiiSat 1), STACEM, Supernova-Beta (Elysium Star 1, TECSAT 1)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFSPC Air Force Space Command ANGELS Automated Navigation and Guidance Experiment for Local Space AO AMSAT Oscar ARC Alaska Research CubeSat BRICSat-P Ballistically Reinforced Communication Satellite Propulsion Test Unit DMSP Defence Meteorological Satellite Program EDSN Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite GEARRS Globalstar Experiment and Risk Reduction Satellite GPS Global Positioning System GRACE Government Rideshare Advanced Concepts Experiment GSSAP Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program HiakaSat Hyperspectral Imaging and Aeronautical Kinematic Analysis Satellite LMRSTSat Low Mass Radio Science Transponder Satellite MUOS Mobile User Objective System NEMESIS Foreign Satellite Signals Intelligence NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch OCSD Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration ORS Operationally Responsive Space OTV Orbital Test Vehicle QUASAR Third Generation Satellite Data System SBIRS-HEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor High Earth Orbit SDS GEO Satellite Data System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit SHARP SIGINT High Altitude Replenishment Program SINOD SRI International NanoSat Orbital Demonstration SLU Saint Louis University SNaP SMDC (Space and Missile Defense Command) Nanosatellite Program SPARK Spaceborne Payload Assist Rocket Kauai (Super Strypi) SV Space Vehicle SVN Space Vehicle Number TRUMPET USAF/NSA Molniya orbit electronic and signals intelligence satellite ULTRASat Ultra Lightweight Technology and Research Auxiliary Satellite USS Unix Space Server WGS Wideband Global Satcom (Wideband Gapfiller Satellite) UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2016-2017) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266 5 Feb 16 Atlas V401 (AV-057) GPS IIF-12 (SVN 70, NAVSTAR 76, SV 9, Betelgeuse) 267 10 Feb 16 Delta 373 IVM+(5,2)U NROL 45 (TOPAZ 4, FIA-R4, SIGRÚN) 268 11 Jun 16 Delta 374 IVHU NROL 37 (Heavy ORION 2, ORION 9, MENTOR 7, Mission 8305) - 24 Jun 16 Atlas V551 (AV-063) MUOS 5 (SV-3) 269 28 Jul 16 Atlas V421 (AV-065) NROL 61 (QUASAR 20, SDS-4 1 GEO) 270-1 19 Aug 16 Delta 375 IVM+(4,2)U AFSPC 6 (GSSAP 3/4) 272 7 Dec 16 Delta 376 IVM+(5,4)U WGS SV-8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 273 21 Jan 17 Atlas V401 (AV-066) SBIRS-GEO 3 (SV 4) 274 1 Mar 17 Atlas V401 (AV-068) NROL 79 (INTRUDER 8, NOSS-3 8A/8B, CHRONOS/KAIROS) 275 18 Mar 17 Delta 377 IVM+(5,4)U WGS SV-9 276 1 May 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F5 NROL 76 [B1032.1] - 26 Aug 17 Minotaur 4/Orion 38 F1 ORS 5 (SensorSat), Prometheus 2.2/2.4, DHFR 277 7 Sep 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F2 OTV 5 (X-37B-2 F3), 295-7 Three unknown satellites [B1040.1] 278 24 Sep 17 Atlas V541 (AV-072) NROL 42 (TRUMPET F/O-2 2, SBIRS-HEO 4) 279 15 Oct 17 Atlas V421 (AV-075) NROL 52 (QUASAR 21, SDS-4 2 GEO) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *280 8 Jan 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F5 ZUMA [B1043.1] 281 12 Jan 18 Delta 379 IVM+(5,2)U NROL 47 (TOPAZ 4?, FIA-R4?, PERSEUS) 282 20 Jan 18 Atlas V411 (AV-076) SBIRS-GEO 4 (SV 3) 283-7 14 Apr 18 Atlas V551 (AV-079) AFSPC 11 (CBAS, USA 283), EAGLE (USA 284, HTI-SpX, CEASE-III-RR, ISAL), Mycroft (USA 285), ARMOR (USA 286, USA 287) 288 17 Oct 18 Atlas V551 (AV-073) AEHF SV-4 289 23 Dec 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F10 GPS III SV01 (SVN 74, GPS 3-02, NAVSTAR 77, Vespucci) [B1054-] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Booster expended AEHF Advanced Extreme High Frequency Satellite AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory AFSPC Air Force Space Command ARMOR AFRL-1201 Resilient Spacecraft Bus Development Experiment CBAS Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM CEASE-III-RR Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor III Risk Reductio DHFR DARPA High Frequency Receiver EAGLE ESPA Augmented Geostationary Laboratory Experiment FIA-R Future Imagery Architecture Radar GPS Global Positioning System GSSAP Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program HTI-SpX Hypertemporal Imaging Space Experiment ISAL Inverse Synthetic Aperture Ladar MUOS Mobile User Objective System NOSS Naval Ocean Surveillance System NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch ORION CIA GEO signals intelligence satellite ORS Operationally Responsive Space OTV Orbital Test Vehicle QUASAR Third Generation Satellite Data System SBIRS-GEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor Geosynchronus Earth Orbit SBIRS-HEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor High Earth Orbit SDS GEO Satellite Data System Geosynchronous Orbit SV Space Vehicle SVN Space Vehicle Number TOPAZ Radar Reconnaisance Satellite WGS Wideband Global Satcom (Wideband Gapfiller Satellite) UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2019-2020) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 290 19 Jan 19 Delta 382 IVHU NROL 71 (KH-11 Blk 5 F1) 291 16 Mar 19 Delta 383 IVM+(5,4)U WGS SV-10 - 25 Jun 19 Falcon Heavy B5 F2 STP 2 (BRICSat 2, DSX (Cygnus, SSTE 4, SET 1), E-TBEx A/B, ELaNa XV (ARMADILLO, CP-9 LEO, StangSat), FalconSat 7 (DOTSI, Peregrine), Formosat 7A..7F (COSMIC 2-1..2-6), GPIM (SOS, SWATS), LightSail 2, NPSAT 1, Oculus-ASR, Oculus-ASR Sphere 1, OTB 1 (DSAC, Celestis 16 Heritage), Prometheus 2.6, Prox 1 (Nanosat 7), PSat 2, TEPCE 1/2 [B1052.2/B1057*/B1053.2] 292 8 Aug 19 Atlas V551 (AV-083) AEHF SV-5, TDO 1 (EZ 1) 293 22 Aug 19 Delta 384 IVM+(4,2)U GPS III SV02 (SVN 75, GPS 3-01, NAVSTAR 78, Magellan) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 298 26 Mar 20 Atlas V551 (AV-086) AEHF SV-6, TDO 2 (EZ 2) 299 17 May 20 Atlas V501 (AV-081) OTV 6 (X-37B-1 F3, AFSPC 7, USSF 7), 300 ?, FalconSat 8 304 30 Jun 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F32 GPS III SV03 (SVN 76, NAVSTAR 79, Columbus, Matthew Henson) [B1060.1] 305-8 15 Jul 20 Minotaur 4 F2 NROL 129 (4) 309 5 Nov 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F41 GPS III SV04 (SVN 77, NAVSTAR 80, Sacagawea) [B1062.1] 310 13 Nov 20 Atlas V531G (AV-090) NROL 101 311 10 Dec 20 Delta 385 IVHU NROL 44 (Heavy ORION 3, ORION 10, MENTOR 8, Mission 8306) 312-3 19 Dec 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F47 NROL 108 (2) [B1059.5] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Booster recovery failure AEHF Advanced Extreme High Frequency Satellite AFSPC Air Force Space Command ARMADILLO Attitude Related Maneuvers and Debris Instrumentation in Low Orbit ASR Attitude and Shape Recognition Blk Block BRICSat Ballistically Reinforced Cubesat COSMIC Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate CP California Polytechnic DSAC Deep Space Atomic Clock DSX Demonstration and Science Experiments (Deployable Structures Experiment) DOTSI Deployable Optical Telescope for SSA (Space Situational Awareness) and ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) E-TBEx Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite GPIM Green Propellant Infusion Mission GPS Global Positioning System KH Keyhole (photo reconnaisance) LEO Launch Environment Observer MENTOR Geostationary Signals Intelligence Satellite (Advanced ORION) NPSAT Naval Postgraduate School Satellite NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch ORION CIA GEO signals intelligence satellite OTB Orbital Test Bed OTV Orbital Test Vehicle PSat Parkinson Satellite SET Space Environments Testbeds SOS Space Object Self Tracker SSTE Space Science Technology Experiment STP Space Test Program SV Space Vehicle SVN Space Vehicle Number SWATS Small Wind and Temperature Spectrometer TEPCE Tether Electrodynamics Propulsion Cubesat Experiment USSF United States Space Force WGS Wideband Global Satcom (Wideband Gapfiller Satellite) UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2021-2022) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 314 26 Apr 21 Delta 386 IVHU NROL 82 (KH-11 Blk 5 F2) 315 18 May 21 Atlas V421 (AV-091) SBIRS GEO-5 (SV-5), TDO 3/4 (EZ 3/4) - 13 Jun 21 Pegasus XL F45 Odyssey (TacRL 2) 316-8 15 Jun 21 Minotaur 1 F12 NROL 111 (3) 319 17 Jun 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F66 GPS III SV05 (SVN 78, NAVSTAR 81, Neil Armstrong) [B1062.2] - 30 Jun 21 LauncherOne R4 Tubular Bells Part 1 (STP 27VPA (HALO-Net Free Flyer, Gunsmoke-J 4 (Jacob's Ladder 4), CNCE 1/3), BRIK II, STORK 4, STORK 5 (MARTA)) * 28 Aug 21 Rocket 3.3 LV0006 STP 27AD1 [P132] - 20 Nov 21 Rocket 3.3 LV0007 STP 27AD2 [P134] - 7 Dec 21 Atlas V551 (AV-093) STP 3 (LDPE 1/ROOSTER 1 (STPSat 6 (SABRS 3, LCRD, UVSC Pathfinder), ASCENT)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 320-23 13 Jan 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F80 Starshield Group 1 1..4 [B1058.10] - 13 Jan 22 LauncherOne R5 Above the Clouds (STP 27VPB (ADLER 1, ELaNa 29 (PAN A/B), GEARRS 3, SteamSat 2, STORK 3, TechEdSat 13)) 324-5 21 Jan 22 Atlas V511 (AV-084) USSF 8 (AFSPC 8; GSSAP 5/6) 326 2 Feb 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F83 NROL 87 [B1071.1] 327 17 Apr 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F92 NROL 85 (INTRUDER 13) [B1071.2] 328-31 19 Jun 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F104 Starshield Group 2 1..4 [B1061.9] 332-3 1 Jul 22 Atlas V541 (AV-094) USSF 12/AFSPC 12 (WFOV, USSF 12 Ring 337 (ESPA), unknown) - 2 Jul 22 LauncherOne R6 Straight Up (STP S28A, ELaNa 39 (CTIM-FD, GPX 2), Gunsmoke L (Lonestar 1), MISR B, NACHOS 2, Recurve, Slingshot 1) 336 4 Aug 22 Atlas V421 (AV-097) SBIRS-GEO 6 (SV-6) 338 24 Sep 22 Delta 387 IVHU NROL 91 (KH-11 Blk 5 F3) 339- 1 Nov 22 Falcon Heavy B5 F3 USSF 44/AFSPC 44 (Shepherd Demonstration, 341, LDPE 2/ROOSTER 2 (Alpine, Linus (WL2XOU), 344 Tetra 1, [ECPL, Mustang, Xenon]), LINUS A1/A2 (LINUSS Chase/RSO), Uncasville (USUVL)) [B1064.1/B1066.1-/B1065.1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADLER Austrian Debris Detection Low Earth Orbit Reconnoiter AFSPC Air Force Space Command CNCE CubeSat Network Communications Experiment CTIM-FD Compact Total Irradiance Monitor Flight Demonstration ECPL Energetic Charged Particle Lite EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite ESPA EELV Secondary Payload Adaptor GEARRS Globalstar Experiment And Risk Reduction Satellite GPS Global Positioning System GSSAP Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program KH Keyhole (photo reconnaisance) LCRD Laser Communications Relay Demonstration LDPE Long Duration Propulsion ESPA LINUS Lockheed Martin In-Space Upgrade Satellite LINUSS Lockheed Martin In-Space Upgrade Satellite System MISR Modular Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance NACHOS Nano Satellite Atmospheric Chemistry Hyperspectral Observation System NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch PAN Pathfinder for Autonomous Navigation ROOSTER Rapid On Orbit Space Technology and Evaluation Ring RSO Resident Space Object SABRS Space and Atmospheric Burst Reporting System SBIRS-GEO Space Based Infra Red Sensor Geosynchronus Earth Orbit STP Space Test Program SV Space Vehicle SVN Space Vehicle Number TacRL Tactically Responsive Launch TDO Technology Demonstration Orbiter USSF United States Space Force UVSC Ultraviolet Spectro Coronagraph WFOV Wide Field of View Testbed UNITED STATES MILITARY LAUNCH RECORD (2023) USA Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 342 15 Jan 23 Falcon Heavy B5 F4 USSF 67 (CBAS 2, LDPE 3A/ROOSTER 3A) [B1064.2/B1070.1-/B1065.2] 343 18 Jan 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F141 GPS III SV06 (SVN 79, NAVSTAR 82, Amelia Earhart) [B1077.2] - 2 Apr 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F159 SDA 0A (Tranche 0 TTL 1 (Checkmate 1..8 (TPL York A1..5/B1..3), BB 1/2 (TL SpX 1/2))) [B1075.2] 345 22 Jun 23 Delta 388 IVHU NROL 68 (Heavy ORION 4, ORION 11, MENTOR 9, Mission 8307) - 2 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F196 SDA 0B (Tranche 0 TTL 2 (Checkmate 10 (TPL York B4), Wildfire 01..10 (TPL LM 1..10), BB 3/4 (TL SpX 3/4))) [B1063.13] 346-8 10 Sep 23 Atlas V551 (AV-102) SILENT BARKER (NROL 107) - 15 Sep 23 Alpha FLTA003 Victus Nox (TacRS 3, TacRL 3, USMIG 8) 349 29 Dec 23 Falcon Heavy B5 F8 OTV 7 (USSF 52, AFSPC 52, X-37B-2 F4, Seeds 2) [B1064.5/B1084.1-/B1065.5] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFSPC Air Force Space Command CBAS Continuous Broadcast Augmenting Satcom ESPA EELV (Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle) Secondary Payload Adaptor GPS Global Positioning System LDPE Long Duration Propulsion ESPA LM Lockheed Martin MENTOR Geostationary Signals Intelligence Satellite (Advanced ORION) NROL National Reconnaissance Office Launch ORION CIA GEO signals intelligence satellite OTV Orbital Test Vehicle ROOSTER Rapid On-Orbit Space Technology and Evaluation Ring SDA Space Development Agency SpX Space Exploration Technologies SV Space Vehicle SVN Space Vehicle Number TacRL Tactically Responsive Launch TacRS Tactically Responsive Space TL Tracking Layer (missile warning) TPL Transport Layer (data relay) TTL Transport and Tracking Layer USSF United States Space Force